Thursday, September 30, 2010


it is a cloudy, warm, blustery day today here in riverside--not that i mind since it has been over 100 degrees the past few days. it started raining ! not heavy rain, but rain nonetheless. it makes me wanna do this:

...which is exactly what i did! not for long because i had to skeedattle off to work, but it was wonderful!

coming soon...
boring backpack refashion!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

day of disciplines.

this conference was mind altering. beyond what i could have even imagined!

the main topics: prayer & meditation.

speaker, Don Whitney, brought the idea of praying into a new light for me. he introduced an in-depth concept called praying through scripture. i had heard this term before, but i never really understood it--much less put it into practice in my own devotions. using this concept, you can literally pray for hours on end. i felt like Dr. Whitney had me pegged when he said that most Christians spend little time in prayer every day, and the time that they are praying, they pray for the same things, which make it boring. he explained that it is normal to feel that way, but that there is a simple change that needs to happen--PRAYING THROUGH GOD'S OWN INSPIRED WORDS AND HAVING A ACTUAL CONVERSATION WITH HIM. what a concept!

he also taught about meditation and the study of the word of God in depth. these practices are age old--Jesus Himself did them. SO WHY DON'T WE?! Dr. Whitney's whole talk revolutionized my whole devotional practice and changed my whole perspective. i looked forward to devotions before this conference, but now i have this unquenchable hunger to read His word for hours. and isn't that how it should be!
be encouraged and...

stay joyful. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

sew, sew, sew!

i LOVE to sew! i wish that i could do it more, but i'm a senior in college and an RA which equals NO TIME. someday...

i would also consider myself resourceful--like this shirt that i made from a fitted sheet (mostly because i didn't have enough fabric on hand.)

but more on that later...

stay joyful.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


contagious joy is the name of the game. who doesn't love to be around a positively cheerful person? their joy is absolutely infectious. I hope to bring a little happiness to some of the mundane things of life by sharing my love for sewing, crafting, thrifting, people, and most of all my love for my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. ~Psalm 95:2

stay joyful.