Tuesday, October 19, 2010

...fall joys

ok, i know that i am a little slow on the uptake... bloggers everywhere started posting about fall three weeks ago. but i'm not one to roll with the crowds, so here goes!

i am not the biggest fan of Halloween-- not only the message behind it, but REALLY,  orange and black? anyways, here are some cute and inspiring designs that i hope will make halloween decor a bit more appealing to you!

shabby-chic halloween decor. who knew!?

cute fabric makes everything better!

pumpkin garland--made from paper towel tubes!

just imagine these cute little guys all over your house!

ok, ok i kinda transitioned from halloween decor to fall decor, but just embrace the season (however you choose to celebrate and decorate!) 

stay joyful!

time flies by!

now i know that college students are supposed to be busy with work and school and friends and such, but there are just some days when i want to sit in my apartment, watching "you've got mail" working on crafts. TODAY is one of those days! but where has the day gone? in the business and the mundane-ness of life, i love to find joy in the small things!

..so i gather my inspiration today from the beautiful art of crocheting.
                               (all of these images were taken from Ravelry)

simple, but elegant

bohemian chic

who can resist this crocheted OWL?

i am becoming a HUGE fan of cowls!

 retro trendy

i know you don't really need them in So Cal, but, i mean, why not!

these pictures, and the mere thought of crocheting them, bring joy to my heart! so, i urge you: crochet something pretty!

stay joyful!